A delegation from the National Communications Authority (NCA) of Somalia is attending the Global Symposium on Regulators (GSR-23), held in Sharma El-Sheikh, Egypt. The symposium, which is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), brings together leaders of telecommunications authorities from around the world to share experiences and best practices on the latest developments in the regulation of the telecommunications and technology sectors.
On the first day of the conference, the General Manager of the NCA, Mr. Mustafa Yasin Sheikh, participated in executive roundtable discussion on national strategies and ways to develop cooperation between telecom regulators. In his discussion, he focused on national strategies and emphasized fostering collaboration between different authorities. Mr. Sheikh highlighted the significance of policies and regulations that promote innovation, market competition, and consumer protection.
He also noted that public-private partnerships (PPPs) and the coordination of government agencies are two critical examples of collaboration between different sectors that work in digital services.
“Cooperation between the government and businesses makes it possible to share experience and knowledge that enables the implementation of digital services that benefit society,” said Mr. Mustafa. “It is also necessary to find an integrated approach between the various government agencies to ensure the consistency of policies and regulations and to implement them efficiently.”
During the meeting, Mr. Mustafa will hold side meetings with various officials who are part of the delegations participating in the symposium. He will also attend several other sessions and workshops on topics such as cybersecurity, spectrum management, and the development of new technologies.
The GSR-23 is an essential opportunity for the NCA to share its experiences and learn from other authorities how best to regulate the telecommunications sector to benefit all Somalis.