Numbering Resource Application Procedure

One of the functions of the National Communication Authority (“NCA”), as a regulator of the electronic communications sector, is to manage the national numbering resource. NCA’s number management function, and its objectives, duties, and powers in relation to that function, are set out in Section 9, articles 55, 56, 57 of the National Communications Act 2017 (the “Act”).

The application starts with the submission of fully completed application forms. Applications forms are available for download at the numbering license section of the website:

Generally, all applicants for Licenses should meet the following conditions:

  1. The entity should provide a valid License from National Communications Authority
  2. Numbering resource type and number
  3. A clear description of the service to be provided
  4. Provide Company Profile, including the management structure

The Federal Republic of Somalia owns the numbers used to provide communication services to citizens. The allocation, assignment and use of numbers are guided by the National Numbering Plan and the numbering regulations of 2021.

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